Happy New Year 2018!

Illustration by はつねネガメ Illustration by はつねネガメ

Another year has passed again and it’s the time of our annual statistical report.

The year 2017 was a little more special with the 10th anniversary of the most recognized Vocaloid – Hatsune Miku. We got to see a vast amount of the songs (and albums) that were published in the celebration of the two-digit milestone. The event page on VocaDB lists a total of 229 songs and 40 albums released around the date of Miku’s birthday.

According to the first work -tag, there were over 400 artists new to the vocaloid scene the past year. By comparison, the total number of active Vocaloid music producers was around 4 700.

VocaDB statistics 2017

  • 33 800 new songs added (25 500 in 2016)
  • 1 700 new albums added (920 in 2016)
  • 1 000 users joined (830 in 2016)
  • 872 196 visits by 508 958 users (700 890 / 388 196 in 2016)

Top 5 songs:

  1. 砂の惑星 by ハチ
  2. アンノウン・マザーグース by wowaka
  3. ぼくらはみんな意味不明 by ピノキオピー
  4. ヒバナ by DECO*27 & Rockwell
  5. ナーヴ・インパルス by ポリスピカデリー

Top 5 albums:

  1. Re:Start
  2. 初音ミク「マジカルミライ 2017」OFFICIAL ALBUM
  3. Reverberations 3
  4. Last Dance Refrain
  5. 715